Relationship Garden - 人際關係及溝通技巧


Relationship Garden made me feel more comfortable with the conflict between people after romance stage. I understand that there are ways to build stronger relationships.


Cherry Ngai


Good discussions & questions & examples. Good use of different sources. Good notes (I can only understand written English though☺)


Julia Lee


Through this course, it allowed me to think about concepts & questions I’ve never thought about before that are very important.


Grace Lam


This course has helped me understand the importance of building and maintaining a relationship. Learning the importance of common goals/values/interests really helped me in my family. Thank you ☺


Ronald Ngai


I think that this course was very good. It talked a lot about building relationships. I enjoyed how Barry balanced out the topics because there were different age groups. I would want more games to get us more involved in class.




I enjoyed this class. I’ve learned many theories and have a lot of food for thought. Thank You ☺


Jessica Lam


I learned a lot & clarified a lot of things in this class.


Geoff Wang


Good topics. It’s useful to review again, even though I’ve taken the course before. Especially the topic of communication. Nice dynamic from different age & background of students in the same class. A bit rushed at the end on the True Love topic.


Karen Fan




Tracy Law




Daisy Ho


這課程以生動有趣形式﹐提供人與人的相處技巧﹐並鼓勵我們實習﹐進而改善人際關係。我們平時工作忘碌﹐ 很多是忽略了實習這些技巧﹐這課程正好給我一個機會﹐探討真理﹐溫故之新。

Loritza Lo


After I learnt this course, I found that my verbal communication with my son, daughter and husband is better than before. That means our relationship is getting better and better.

