Basic EQ - EQ 速成班

在最後一課的時候,我發現原來我有很多溝通的技巧都生疏了.  因為很多時都習慣了用'腦'去solve問題, 而忽略了人是萬物之靈.  我很感恩老師也提醒了我們(or more like叫我們去反省)自己學到的東西是用來建立人與人之間的關係 or using it to manipulate people.  This also reminds me that I always have a choice to choose.  Thank you!!

Jenny Tang


很高興可以在EQ Centre 學習多方面人生的智識, 幫我了解生活上的所需. 多謝!

Sylvia Lee


I like the Anger management part. Also, the fear & worry part. It helps a lot. Thank you!



This class helps me to rethink about myself. It covers a lot. I really love to apply stories based on the iceberg theory. More interactive games will be better.

Shirley Li


希望可以學以致用,多思想,多反省,可以改變自己的固有style. 令身邊的人快樂些!

Mei Ching


It's nice! Thank you! I learn something.

Wendy Xie


I enjoyed the two module. Help me think more on my feeling, thinking, action. Helped me look more into my habitual thinking.



More game!

Hirohito Hirai


I felt that both courses were a good revision but I also learned/found new things I didn't notice. I liked how there were group discussion/talks. One thing I like was the maturity but at the same time the laughs. One thing I like to see is more group involvement.



我在這裡學了很多東西﹐ 我漸漸學會怎樣去控制情緒﹐和用同理心放在公事上﹐幫到我不少。

Charles Fong


在我上這課程中﹐ 我學到改變自己的 personality, I will not blame other people so much. I will think what part did I done wrong. Also I became less nervous. I feel more confident to do most of the thing in school. This course help me a lot.




沒有想過EQ 會包含這麼多的範圍﹐但是覺得每一個 topic 對自己和待人方面的各有很大的得著。 Love Tank 之後的課程教得比較急速﹐Hermia 好搞笑﹐每個星期能有幾個小時能夠放鬆自己﹐想想平時自己不會想的問題﹐覺得好享受. Thank you!




Thank you for the useful told and sharing with laughter in all the classes. Hope we had a bit more time to study the last 2 lessons deeper. Suggestion for future class: how can students continue to use and apply the theories in life between and after classes.



I have learned a lot from here. I have taken helpful tools which help me achieve my goal easily. I am loving myself and trying to love others. Thanks for your helpful tools.

Wendy Fong



EQ 課程令我感覺輕鬆﹐課程實用性強﹐ 希望有足夠的課程令到學員更深刻。


Billy Yu


生路歷程有所改變 - 自零三年一月開始修讀Barry 的課程後的感受是思維得到啟發, 認識自我, 亦開始越末越了解自己的行為背後的原因. 從成長中自信心亦隨之提高, 人亦變得開心快樂多了. 在人際関係上得到幫助, 易於與人相處和溝通. 處理事情上感覺耐力多了, 分悉力亦高了. 在課堂上與同學分享不同的人生絰歷, 有說不出的愉決與共鳴.感覺很高興能認誐Barry 這位從心教學的導師. 感謝你 Barry!



我覺得這個班非常有趣, 都幾實用.  我用幾實用來形容,因為我都唔知自己識唔識用出來, 但係我feel到都應該有用嘅! At least, I try to think more myself and my friends and family.



從這个課程裡最大得益,是懂得認識自己, 控制自己情緒, 並懂得如何用同理心的方法與人溝通及諒解別人, 這是最大的得益。從這加深了自己對EQ的認議及興趣。 在將來我會進修更多EQ課程, 令自己了解多一點, 實踐這些理論, 幫助身邊朋友和家人。

Miranda Tsun


EQ gave me a lot of information.  It helps me control my emotional feeling how to deal with different situation.  It helps me a lot of deal with my kids and I feel the difference.



I am very glad that I’ve attended this class.  It has taught me how to manage my emotions.  And being a parent now, I am more patient with my child.  My EQ have improved through the course.  I would encourage to have more EQ class.

Janet Lang


我感謝EQ這個課程和兩位老師在學EQ之前我的生活和思想感覺是一片灰色和黑色. 在學了EQ之後, 還有很多問題未能解决, 但我的生活思想都清析了很多.



可以更加容易了解自己及別人, 可以從中學了怎樣改進自己及和別人相處. 這個課堂具有趣味牲及對於與人相處具十分幫助.

Raymond Liu


I am writing in support of the EQ program offered by Mr. Barry Ip.  I have been a loyal follower of Barry’s EQ courses, including enneagram, Advanced Enneagram, Relationship Garden, Family Garden, EQ kids, EQ Parents 1/2/3, and Child’s Brain Development, since 2002.
Concepts such as: the nine core personality types, how to create and maintain an intimate relationship, and the difference between ideal self, actual self, and authentic self; has made my journey through life more enjoyable and harmonious.  More importantly, I’ve come to appreciate that there are many aspects to success – material wealth is only one component.  Furthermore, the variety of EQ parenting and EQ kid courses have allowed me to better understand my kids and helped me realize that there is no such thing as bad kids, just bad parents.
The introduction of EQ to me life has not only made me happier, but has also allowed me to truly discover and understand my inner self.  I have more self-confidence, am less frustrated with others and have improved my interpersonal skills immensely.  In fact, I’ve benefited so much that I’ve influenced all of my friends and family to take the courses as well. 
Thank you, Barry for introducing EQ to my life.

Amy Lee