Enneagram 九元性格


通過這次重讀, 使我對九型人格學有進一步的認識, 使我在日常工作上, 生活上, 對任何事的處理上, 有新的處理方式, 受益良多, 希望再來重讀。


Vicky Chow - Basic Enneagram


我重讀九型性格, 講得好深, 不太明白, 有機會想再重讀


Monica Chen - Basic Enneagram


It’s very interesting to learn that different personality types have such different intention and motivation, even though their behavior is so alike. I’m looking forward to learning the desire and fear of each personality type. The most interesting part of the course is to be able to learn from the others’ experiences, feelings and thoughts.


Carrie Ng - Basic Enneagram


好 & 分享多 & I like workshop! 分兩堂好一點! 謝Miss / Sir.


Nian Chan - Basic Enneagram


您們教得很好, 希望再接再勵, 祝成功! 我的感受很好, 樂在其中和學習。多謝各位老師


Fremont - Basic Enneagram




Linda Ou - Basic Enneagram


與以往不同, 是能讓大家同學多參與討論


Grace Jung - Basic Enneagram


I have better understanding of different kinds of people, thus enable me to develop better relationship with people around me.


May Wong - Basic Enneagram


1. 2,3,4 was too slow.

2. each stuff was different, some had good side/bad side, some had homework, other’s missing pages. (organize it!)

3. I like fill in the blanks.

4. Classes too long!

5. Smaller class please!

6. Sharing/workshop, not just 教書.

7. I learned a lot about myself.

8. I can tell both instructors put lots of effort.

9. Have more relatable examples.

10. Not taking this again. I like all my other classes better.


Tiffani - Basic Enneagram


1. I like the approach of using intention/motivation to understand enneagram, as I think this is a more correct & better way to understand & at a deeper level.

2. Having 2 instructors enrich our learning as we as students can see 2 slightly different approaches.

3. A lot of information presented. I feel I need time to digest & I do not necessarily grasp everything that was taught. Therefore, taking the next course (start Jan 22) will help to understand & consolidate our new knowledge.

4. I do really enjoy the course! Thank you!


Winnie Yuan - Basic Enneagram


Very informative course designed from the student’s perspective. Hermia & Barry spent a lot of time and effort to make sure students understand course material. Very creative and effective way of delivering course info to students. Thank you!


Victor Chow - Basic Enneagram


1. 導師講課, 深入淺出, 受益良多。

2. 學習內容很實用, 對我的生活, 工作都有幫助。

3. 同學們的問答對我很有啓發和幫助, 拓寬了我解決問題的思路。


Shirley - Basic Enneagram


很開心參加此課程, 得益很多!


Sylvia - Basic Enneagram


認識自己多些, 對有些朋友了解多了, 受益良多。


Maggie Chan - Basic Enneagram


好多個多謝! 好多既得著! 因著對別人既接受, 增加了對自己既接受, 也因著對自己既接受, 增加了對別人的接受。謝謝你們讓我更懂得去愛與被愛。


Vivian - Basic Enneagram


九型性格」對我來説是一個"Eye opening"的課程。它令我知道除了自己的性格,還有另外八種不同的思想方法,而每一種都有特別的長處及陰暗面。這個課程令我「開始」學習了解自己,學習了解別人。


Iris K - Basic Enneagram


I really like Hermia's explanation of the Enneagram - real life examples/life stories, and the workshop's interactive discussions. I enjoy stimulating and interactive debate amongst class members.


Andrew Chen - Basic Enneagram


Throughout the course, I learnt to accept others more. I can still learning to see others through the mindset and not the behavior.


Shirley Li - Basic Enneagram


After I know who am I better, I start to understand why I act the way I act. I understand the different between me & my family. It gives me different perspective at looking at / treat people around me. I also start asking questions - like why he/she acts this way? Why he think this way vs my way.
Accept them. Understand their thought & try to treat them the way that work for them. Just know that everyone is different & everyone think differently. There is no right or wrong way in their thought.
Understanding. Not labeling people around me. Explore who am I. Accept who am I. Learn to grow with my family.
Help me to understand who am I & why I act the way I acted. Also, help me see everyone around me differently, accept them & be less critical. Overall, this course helps me open my mind & teach me how to handle my family in a better way & appreciate everyone in the family.

Stephanie - Enneagram for parenting


Thank you Barry!

Amy Matalas - Enneagram for parenting


學習enneagram, 明白到人的獨特性。因材施教是做為一個父母要去學習的。在教育小朋友同時,父母的個人成長也是非常重要,用心,用情!

Jeanne Chan - Enneagram for parenting



Polly - Enneagram for parenting



Fanny - Enneagram for parenting





得益良多﹐終身受用﹗ 非常感激 Hermia & Barry !



Learning Enneagram is part of the self esteem process. Knowing one’s character recognizing yourself and being enlighten. Be aware of the integration and disintegration from the wings & arrows characters. Avoid and improve the dark side of the character. Having the knowledge to start and support as a foundation with the unlimited resources being intelligent to resolve problems from different ways and directions. Learn and have the ability to motivate oneself. Be able to acknowledge why people are different in a way of passive, assertive, aggressive and how they have been affected by their family background. Why people act and react differently. Improving oneself and not to crystallize the personality. As a result we manage to have wisdom and handle conflict and disagreement in our private, personal and public world. This is a great introduction to develop our self awareness.


Rita Lam


I really enjoyed this course.  I gained a lot of knowledge as the teacher explained things very detailed and clearly.  I like how we were all able to share our valuable experience and opinions together with positive feedback.  I find that learning the different types of characters will be useful to deal with people in the future.

Kwok Yau Fung


Course 好正,資料好難得。
Instructor 好清楚,material 亦好多example 去illustrate ,令我們更加明白。
多謝BARRY & HERMIA 的教導,會有機會再take其他course 。

Winnie Chan